Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
Wellness services, such as massage therapy often fall under the umbrella of qualified medical expenses that can be paid for using FSA, HSA and HRA accounts.
Our credit card terminal is set up to accept the cards and verify us as a health care provider.
Make sure this is an allowed expense with your provider.
You may not use your FSA, HSA or HRA card to leave gratuity.
Ask us for an itemized invoice for your records and to assure reimbursement.
We do not accept DCFSA or LPFSA cards, however if it is covered by your provider, you will remit with your personal funds and we issue an itemized invoice for your reimbursement.
If you have funds that need to be used before the end of the year, you can prepay for our Trio series or any single service.
Qualifying medical conds. (limited examples)
Look for any of these coverage categories through your provider:
Check with your FSA spending account here: https://www.fsafeds.gov/explore/hcfsa/expenses
Questions please contact: info@massagebymarcelina.com
Depression Chronic pain
Anxiety Arthritis
Stress Related issues Injuries
Pain management Hypertension
Back pain Post-surgical recovery
Sciatica Soft tissue injuries
Carpal tunnel syndrome Tendonitis
Mental health Muscle strains
Massage Therapy Holistic Healers Alternative Treatments Preventative Care Alternative Healers